Effects of Reducing Chemical Fertilizer Combined with Fish Protein Organic Liquid Fertilizer on Tomato Yield and Quality
中文关键词:  关键词:番茄  追肥  高钾水溶肥  鱼蛋白有机液肥  产量  可溶性固形物
英文关键词:Keywords: tomato  topdressing  high potassium water-soluble fertilizer  fish protein organic liquid fertilizer  yield  soluble solid
李云飞,王冰华,王铁臣 (北京市农业技术推广站北京 100029) 
摘要点击次数: 35
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      摘要:为探讨增施鱼蛋白有机液肥替代化肥的效果,以每667 m2施用高钾水溶肥5.0 kg为对照,设置每667 m2施用高钾水溶肥3.5 kg+鱼蛋白有机液肥5.0 L、高钾水溶肥2.0 kg+鱼蛋白有机液肥5.0 L、高钾水溶肥0.5 kg+鱼蛋白有机液肥5.0 L这3个化肥减量处理,比较分析化肥减量增施鱼蛋白有机液肥对番茄生长、产量和果实性状及可溶性固形物含量的影响。结果表明:在每667 m2施用5.0 L鱼蛋白有机液肥的情况下,减少水溶肥用量会降低番茄的株高、叶长和叶宽,但促进了茎粗、果实纵横径的生长,其中不同处理的果实纵径差异不显著,果形指数和可溶性固形物含量随水溶肥用量的减少先升高再降低,以每667 m2每次追施高钾水溶肥3.5 kg和2.0 kg的果形指数最大,但与其他处理没有显著差异。不同处理的平均单穗坐果数没有显著差异,单果质量和果实纵横径的变化趋势一致,每667 m2每次追施高钾水溶肥0.5 kg的小区产量最大。因此,在追求产量的情况下,果实膨大至采收前以每667 m2每次追施高钾水溶肥+0.5 kg鱼蛋白有机液肥5.0 L的肥料配比最适合生产;如果追求品质,每667 m2每次追施高钾水溶肥2.0 kg+鱼蛋白有机液肥5.0 L的肥料配比有利于生产,比对照果实可溶性固形物含量可提高5.8%,667 m2产量提高17.2%。
      Abstract: In order to study the effect of adding fish protein organic liquid fertilizer instead of chemical fertilizer, the effects of adding fish protein organic liquid fertilizer on growth, yield, fruit characters and soluble solids content of tomato were compared and analyzed by applying high potassium water soluble fertilizer of 5.0 kg per 667 m2 as control, three chemical fertilizer reduction treatments were applied, including high potassium watersoluble fertilizer 3.5 kg + fish protein organic liquid fertilizer 5.0 L per 667 m2, high potassium water soluble fertilizer 2.0 kg + fish protein organic liquid fertilizer 5.0 L per 667 m2, and high potassium water soluble fertilizer 0.5 kg + fish protein organic liquid fertilizer 5.0 L per 667 m2. The results showed that under the condition of applying fish protein organic liquid fertilizer 5.0 L per 667 m2 and reducing the amount of watersoluble fertilizer, the plant height, leaf length and leaf width of tomato were decreased, but the stem diameter and the vertical and horizontal diameter of tomato were promoted. There was no significant difference in fruit longitudinal diameter among different treatments, the fruit shape index and soluble solids content increased firstly and then decreased with the decrease of water-soluble fertilizer amount. The fruit shape indexes were both the highest with topdressing high potassium water-soluble fertilizer of 3.5 kg or 2.0 kg per 667 m2 each time, but there was no significant difference with other treatments. There was no significant difference in the average number of fruit set per ear among different treatments, and the change trends of single fruit weight and fruit diameter were consistent. The plot yield was the highest when high potassium water-soluble fertilizer was applied with 0.5 kg per 667 m2. Therefore, under the condition of pursuing yield, the fertilizer ratio of 0.5 kg of high potassium water-soluble fertilizer and 5.0 L fish protein organic liquid fertilizer per 667 m2 applying before fruit expansion and harvest was the most suitable treatment for production. If the quality was pursued, the ratio of 2.0 kg of high potassium water-soluble fertilizer and 5.0 L fish protein organic liquid fertilizer per 667 m2 was beneficial to the production, and the content of soluble solids and the yield per 667 m2 were increased by 5.8% and 17.2%, respectively, compared with the control.
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