Study on Optimized Fertilization and Preservation Technology of Huangzhou Radish
中文关键词:  关键词:黄州萝卜  优化施肥  保鲜技术
英文关键词:Keywords: Huangzhou radish  optimized fertilization  preservation technology
葛长军,闫 良,代俊芬,李进兰 (黄冈市农业科学院湖北 黄冈 438000) 
摘要点击次数: 54
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      摘要:为通过优化施肥进一步提高黄州萝卜产量,增加种植效益,设置不施肥处理、优化施肥(每667 m2施150 kg有机肥+20 kg三元复合肥)处理和常规施肥(每667 m2施40 kg三元复合肥)3个处理,探究不同施肥处理对黄州萝卜植株性状、产量和效益等方面的影响。同时,为了延长黄州萝卜保鲜期,开展了采后保鲜试验,设计2个处理,分别为3 ℃低温贮藏保鲜和常规贮藏对照,比较分析贮藏萝卜的品质指标。结果表明:优化施肥处理的黄州萝卜长势好,667 m2产量最高,达到2 909.8 kg,667 m2综合效益最优,达到4 941.6元,较常规施肥每667 m2增产10.1%,增收457.2元。3 ℃低温贮藏条件下黄州萝卜品质较好,粗纤维含量、可溶性糖含量、水分含量分别为0.9%、2.9%、91.0%,贮藏效果较好。
      Abstract: In order to further improve the yield and increase planting benefits of Huangzhou radish by optimizing fertilization, three treatments including no fertilization treatment, optimal fertilization treatment (organic fertilizer of 150 kg per 667 m2+ ternary compound fertilizer of 20 kg per 667 m2) and conventional fertilization (ternary compound fertilizer of 40 kg per 667 m2) were set. The effects of different fertilization treatments on the plant traits, yield and benefits of Huangzhou radish were investigated. At the same time, in order to prolong the preservation period of Huangzhou radish, a postharvest fresh-keeping experiment was carried out, and two treatments were designed, which were of 3 ℃ low-temperature fresh-keeping and the control conventional storage, and the quality indexes of stored radish were compared and analyzed. The results showed that the optimal fertilization treatment of Huangzhou radish grew well with highest yield of 2 909.8 kg per 667 m2, and the comprehensive benefit was the best, reached 4 941.6 yuan per 667 m2, which increased 10.1% and 457.2 yuan per 667 m2 compared with the conventional fertilization. The quality of Huangzhou radish stored at 3 ℃ was better, the content of crude fiber, soluble sugar and water were 0.9%, 2.9% and 91.0%, respectively, and the storage effect was better.
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