不同加工方式对鲜食黄花菜中 戊唑醇残留量的去除效果研究
Study on the Effect of different Processing Methods on the Removal of Tebuconazole Residues in Fresh Daylily
中文关键词:  关键词:加工方式  黄花菜  戊唑醇残留  去除
英文关键词:Keywords: processing method  daylily  tebuconazole residue  removal
基金项目:基金项目:云南省重大科技专项计划(202002AE320005);2018年农业农村部农产品质量安全监管局委托农药限量标准 制定项目(HZ2019N06)。
唐树怀,邓毅书2*,刘艳春1 ,浦恩堂3 ,吴志云4 ,代雪芳3 ,马 强1 (1.保山市隆阳区农业环境保护监测工作站云南 保山 6780002.云南农业大学资源与环境学院云南 昆明 6502013.云 南省农业科学院农业环境资源研究所云南 昆明 6502054.保山市隆阳区植保植检站云南 保山 678000) 
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      摘要:为研究加工方式对鲜食黄花菜中戊唑醇残留量的影响,通过对黄花菜进行戊唑醇残留浸泡试 验,实验室内模拟加工,通过超高效液相色谱—串联质谱(UPLC-MS/MS)检测,研究了不同加工方式 (水洗、焯水、浸泡、水洗—焯水—浸泡)对鲜食黄花菜中戊唑醇残留量的去除效果。结果显示,单独 水洗、焯水、浸泡处理时,戊唑醇浓度与去除率呈正相关,戊唑醇残留量越高去除率越高,去除效果越明 显;处理时间和戊唑醇残留量的去除率呈正相关,随着时间的增加,去除率增大;3种处理方式中焯水对黄 花菜中戊唑醇的去除率最高,去除效果最好,焯水7 min,去除率最高可达83.05%;水洗时间0~3 min、焯 水时间0~3 min、浸泡时间0~30 min期间去除率变化幅度高,去除速度最快,之后去除率变化幅度均变 缓,趋于稳定;建议鲜食黄花菜的加工流程为:水洗3 min→焯水3 min→浸泡30 min。
      Abstract: In order to study the effect of processing methods on tebuconazole residues in fresh daylily, the effect of different processing methods (washing, blanching, soaking, washing-blanching-soaking) on the removal of tebuconazole residues in fresh daylily was investigated by immersion test of tebuconazole residue and simulated processing in the laboratory using ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLCMS/MS) detection. The results showed that the concentration of tebuconazole was positively correlated with the removal rate when treated with washing, blanching and soaking alone, and the higher the tebuconazole residue, the higher the removal rate and the more obvious the removal effect. There was a positive correlation between the treatment time and the removal rate of tebuconazole residue, which was the removal rate increased with the increasing of time. Among the three treatment methods, blanching had the highest removal rate and the best removal effect on tebuconazole in daylily, and the removal rate was up to 83.05% with 7 min of blanching. During the period of 0-3 min of washing time, 0-3 min of blanching time and 0-30 min of soaking time, the removal rate had a high change range and the fastest removal rate. After that, the change range of removal rate became slow and tended to be stable. It was suggested that the processing flow of fresh daylily was as follows: washing for 3 min, then blanching for 3 min and then soaking for 30 min.
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