冀中南地区小葱氮、磷、钾经济效益最佳 施用量研究
Study on the Optimal Amount of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium for Economic Benefit of Shallot in Central and Southern Hebei
中文关键词:  关键词:冀中南地区  小葱  “3414”试验  最佳施肥量
英文关键词:Keywords: Central and Southern Hebei  shallot  '3414' test  optimal amount of fertilization
基金项目:基金项目:国家现代农业产业技术体系专项资金(CARS-24-G-01);河北省科技支撑项目(16226304D);石家庄市科 技支撑项目(191490312A)。
康香辉,王丽乔,杨 瑾,周 航,安进军 (石家庄市农林科学研究院河北 石家庄 050021) 
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      摘要:为研究冀中南地区小葱氮、磷、钾最佳施用量,以“青叶1号”为试材,采用“3414”肥效试 验方案,研究不同氮(N)、磷(P2O5)、钾(K2O)配比施肥对小葱产量、可溶性糖和叶片SPAD值的影 响,并运用一元二次和三元二次肥效效应函数得出冀中南地区小葱最佳施肥量。结果表明:氮肥中等水平 的小葱叶片SPAD值和可溶性固形物含量均最大,分别为26.3和20.0%;单种肥料对小葱的增产顺序依次为 氮>钾>磷,而产投比顺序依次为钾>氮>磷;氮、磷、钾施用量均为中等水平时,小葱产量达到最佳, 为63 860.3 kg/hm2 。在本试验条件下,推荐冀中南地区小葱经济效益最佳施肥量为N 456.0 kg/hm2 、P2O5 158.3 kg/hm2 、K2O 233.3 kg/hm2 。
      Abstract: In order to study the optimal application amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on shallot in Central and Southern Hebei, the experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of N, P and K fertilizers on the yield, soluble sugar and SPAD value of shallot by using 'Qingye No.1' as material, and adopting '3414' method with different ratios of N-P-K. The optimal fertilizer application amount of shallot in Central and Southern Hebei was obtained by using monadic quadratic and ternary quadratic functions of fertilizer effect. The results showed that the SPAD value and soluble solid content of medium level nitrogen fertilizer reached the maximum, which were 26.3 and 20.0%, respectively. The effect of increase yield of single fertilizer was nitrogen>phosphorus>potassium, and the ratio of inputto-output was phosphorus>nitrogen>potassium. When the application amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were medium, the yield of shallot reached the best, which was 63 860.3 kg/hm2 . Under the experimental conditions, it was recommended that the optimal fertilization amount of shallot in Central and Southern Hebei was 456.0 kg/hm2 of N, 158.3 kg/hm2 of P2O5 and 233.3 kg/hm2 of K2O.
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