Economic Evaluation of Application Effect of Chemical Fertilizer and Pesticide on Vegetable in China
中文关键词:  关键词:设施蔬菜  化肥  农药  皮尔逊相关性分析  双减  经济评价
英文关键词:Keywords: facility vegetable  chemical fertilizer  pesticide  Pearson correlation analysis  double reduction  economic evaluation
张 卫,蒋 韬,郝 利* (北京市农林科学院北京 100097) 
摘要点击次数: 164
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      摘要:为助力设施农业减排固碳,对2011—2019年设施番茄、黄瓜、菜椒、茄子的每667 m2 化肥折纯 用量、化肥成本、农药成本、净利润、双减经济系数的变化趋势以及每667 m2 净利润与化肥、农药成本之 间的相关性进行分析,并比较4种设施蔬菜在5个不同区域的双减经济系数。结果显示,这4种设施蔬菜的 每667 m2 化肥折纯用量、净利润、双减经济系数均呈下降趋势,每667 m2 化肥成本、农药成本均呈上升趋 势,且每667 m2 化肥折纯用量、化肥成本、农药成本、双减经济系数年度间差异均不显著,每667 m2 净利 润有些年份之间差异显著。每667 m2 净利润与化肥折纯用量、化肥成本、农药成本之间的相关性均不显 著。从不同区域角度来看,设施番茄经济效益相对较好,设施菜椒经济效益相对较差。建议进一步加强 双减模式和技术的研究应用,改善农业环境和产品质量,可适当增加设施番茄种植面积,减少设施菜椒 种植面积,从而获得更好的经济效益。
      Abstract: In order to help facility agriculture for reducing carbon emission and fixing carbon, the variation trends of amounts of chemical fertilizer, the cost of chemical fertilizer or pesticide, net profit and double reduction economic coefficient per 667 m2 of facility tomato, cucumber, vegetable pepper and eggplant from 2011 to 2019 were analyzed, as well as the correlation between net profit and cost of chemical fertilizer and pesticide per 667 m2 , and the double reduction economic coefficients of four types of facility vegetable in five regions were compared. The results showed that the amount of chemical fertilizer, the net profit and double reduction economic coefficient per 667 m2 applied to the four types of facility vegetable all showed a downward trend, while the cost of chemical fertilizer and pesticide per 667 m2 all showed an upward trend. The amounts of chemical fertilizer, the cost of chemical fertilizer or pesticide and the double reduction economic coefficient per 667 m2 did not change significantly between years, and the net profit per 667 m2 changed significantly between some years.There was no significant correlation between the net profit per 667 m2 and the amounts of chemical fertilizer, the cost of chemical fertilizer or pesticide per 667 m2 . From the perspective of different regions, the economic benefit of facility tomato was relatively better, while the economic benefit of facility pepper was relatively poor. It was suggested to further strengthen the research and application of the double-reduction mode and technology, improve the agricultural environment and product quality, and appropriately increase the planting area of facility tomato, while reduce the planting area of facility pepper, so as to obtain better economic benefit.
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