Genetic Analysis of Yield Related Traits on Eggplant
中文关键词:  关键词:茄子  遗传  产量  主基因  多基因
英文关键词:Keywords: eggplant  genetic  yield  majorgene  polygene
范孟媛,房桂萍,成玉富* ,徐 强 (扬州大学园艺与植物保护学院江苏 扬州 225000) 
摘要点击次数: 158
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      摘要:为了探究茄子产量相关性状与基因间互作的遗传模型,为茄子高效育种提供理论依据,以绿圆茄 “茄27”自交系为母本,紫长茄“茄31”自交系为父本,配制成F1杂交组合,分别进行自交、回交,构建了 P1、P2、F1、F2、B1、B2 6个世代遗传群体,利用主基因、多基因混合分析法研究了茄子产量相关性状的遗传 模型。结果表明:茄子单株产量受1对主基因的加性-显性遗传,单株结果数受2对加性主基因+加性-显性多基 因混合遗传,单株最大单果质量受2对加性主基因+加性-显性多基因遗传;单株产量和单株结果数以非加性 遗传为主,其中单株结果数以2对主基因加性效应遗传为主;单株最大果质量中B1和F2世代以主基因加性遗传 为主,其主基因遗传率分别为50.48%和54.33%,B2世代以多基因遗传为主,多基因遗传率为50.88%。综上可 知,茄子产量性状受到加性和显性遗传效应的影响。
      Abstract: In order to explore the genetic model of interaction between yield-related traits and genes in eggplant and provide theoretical basis for effi cient breeding of eggplant, taking green round-eggplant 'Qie 27' inbred lines as the female parent, long purple eggplant 'Qie31' inbred lines as the male parent, F1 hybrid combinations were prepared and self crossed and backcrossed respectively to construct the six generations of P1, P2, F1, F2, B1 and B2 genetic populations. The genetic modes of eggplant yield-related traits were studied by using the mixed analysis of major genes and multiple genes. The results showed that the yield of eggplant was inherited by an additive-dominant pair of major genes, the number of fruit per plant was inherited by two pairs of additive main genes + additive-dominant polygenes, and the maximum single fruit weight per plant was inherited by two pairs of additive major genes + additive-dominant polygene. The yield and fruit number per plant were mainly non-additive inheritance. The number of fruit per plant was dominated by additive effects of two major genes. In terms of maximum fruit weight per plant, the major genes were mainly inherited additivity in the B1 and F2 generations, and the heritability of the major genes were 50.48% and 54.33%, respectively. And the B2 generation was mainly inherited by multi-gene heritability, and the multi-gene heritability was 50.88%. In conclusion, the yield traits of eggplant were affected by additive and dominant genetic effects.
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