Effects of Microbial Fertilizers on Growth and Yield of Pepper in Greenhouse
中文关键词:  关键词:微生物菌肥  辣椒  生长势  抗病性  产量
英文关键词:Keywords: microbial fertilizer  pepper  growth vigor  disease resistance  yield
王书娟1 ,陈文钊2*,齐合玉2 ,吕建军2 ,蒲江涛2 (1.北京市延庆区农业科学研究所北京 1021002.北京市延庆区农业技术推广站北京 102100) 
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      摘要:为研究微生物菌肥在辣椒上的应用效果,在大棚辣椒育苗期至生长期施用3种不同微生物菌 剂,研究其对辣椒生长势、产量、品质、抗病性等指标的影响。结果表明:微生物菌肥处理(苗期施用 根际益生生根菌50 g/盘,幼苗出圃前至采收期使用根际益生菌II号1 000~1 200倍液喷雾9次,缓苗期至采 收期每667 m2 每次使用根际益生菌IIII号60 g,随灌溉水灌根10次)可提高辣椒生长势,增强抗病性;与对 照相比,微生物菌肥处理的辣椒开花、结果较早,采收期延长了10 d,单果质量、667 m2 产量和效益及果 实还原性糖含量分别提高16.4%、10.6%、35.37%、57.7%,且均达显著差异水平。
      Abstract: In order to study the application effects of microbial fertilizers on pepper, three different microbial fertilizers were applied from the seedling stage to growth period of pepper in greenhouse to study the effects on the growth vigor, yield, quality and disease resistance of pepper. The results showed that microbial fertilizers treatment (applying rhizosphere probiotics 50 g per plate at seedling stage, and applying rhizosphere probiotics II liquid with 1 000-1 200 times at nine times from seedling nursery to harvest stage, and applying rhizosphere probiotics IIII with 60 g per 667 m2 of irrigation water for 10 times from slow seedling stage to harvest stage) could improve the growth vigor and enhance the disease resistance of pepper. Compared with the control, the peppers treated with microbial fertilizers blossomed earlier and bore fruit earlier, the harvesting period was extended by 10 days, and the fruit weight, yield per 667 m2 , benefit per 667 m2 and contents of reduced sugar was significantly increased by 16.4%, 10.6%, 35.37% and 57.7%, respectively.
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