不同锌肥追肥量对温室小果型西瓜产量及 品质的影响
Effects of Different Topdressing Amounts of Zinc Fertilizer on Yield and Quality of Small-fruited Watermelon in Greenhouse
中文关键词:  关键词:西瓜  锌肥  产量  品质
英文关键词:Keywords: watermelon  zinc fertilizer  yield  quality
田 琳1 ,郭月萍2 ,曾 烨2 ,李 晨1 ,哈雪姣2 ,代艳侠1*,李 婵2 ,张 远2 ,潘 林2 (1.北京市大兴区土肥工作站北京 1026002.北京市大兴区农业技术推广站北京 102600) 
摘要点击次数: 187
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      摘要:为研究锌肥在小果型西瓜上的应用效果,以温室种植小果型西瓜金彩为试验材料,设计不同用 量硫酸锌肥处理(每667 m2 每次分别追施0.75、1.00、1.25 kg,全生育期共追4次),比较分析西瓜生长指 标、生理指标及效益。结果表明:在本试验条件下,每667 m2 每次追施硫酸锌肥0.75 kg为最佳施用量,其 小果型西瓜植株茎秆粗壮,果实商品性优且产量高,与不施硫酸锌肥对照相比,株高、主蔓茎粗、边糖 和心糖含量分别增加6.81%、49.84%、13.68%和11.11%,667 m2 产量和纯收入分别提高10.44%和11.72%。 追施锌肥投入成本低,增加收益较多,但要注意适量施肥,过量会导致产量和品质下降。
      Abstract: In order to study the application effect of zinc fertilizer on small-fruited watermelon, small-fruited watermelon cultivar of 'Jincai' planted in greenhouse was used as experimental material, and zinc sulphate fertilizer with different dosage was designed (0.75, 1.00, 1.25 kg per 667 m2 , 4 times in the whole growth period). The growth indexes, physiological indexes and benefits of small-fruit watermelon were compared and analyzed. The results showed that the optimal application amounts of zinc sulphate fertilizer was 0.75 kg per 667 m2 everytime for small-fruit watermelon in greenhouse under the conditions of this experiment. The stem of small-fruit watermelon was thick, the fruit was good for commodity and the yield was high. Compared with the control without zinc sulphate fertilizer, the plant height, main stem diameter, contents of edge sugar and heart sugar increased by 6.81%, 49.84%, 13.68% and 11.11%, respectively. The yield and net income increased by 10.44% and 11.72% per 667 m2 , respectively. The input of topdressing zinc fertilizer was low, and the income increased obviously. However, it was important to pay attention to the amounts of zinc fertilizer application, because excessive fertilization would lead to the decline of yield and quality.
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