Breeding of New Pigment Pepper Cultivar 'Hangjiao Hongguang'
中文关键词:  航椒红光  航椒  色素椒  新品种  选育
英文关键词:Keywords: Hangjiao Hongguang  space pepper  pigment pepper  new cultivar  breeding
张建华1,2,罗爱玉1,2*,高彦辉1,2,于 瑾2 ,刘芬红 1.甘肃省航天育种技术创新中心甘肃 天水 7410302.天水神舟绿鹏农业科技有限公司甘肃 天水 741030 
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      “航椒红光”是以H56-3-5-2-4-H-H为母本,以G23-2-5-3-1-H-H为父本,综合应用太空诱变、 自交、病圃选择、杂种优势利用、SRAP分子生物学等技术配制而成的杂交一代色素椒品种。表现:早中 熟,从定植至红熟果采收96 d,植株生长习性半直立,植株生长势强,单株平均结果数23~27个,青熟果 深绿色,红熟果深红色,果纵径17.8~19.7 cm,果横径2.34~2.81 cm,果肉厚0.28~0.33 cm,单果质量 28.3~32.0 g。干物质、维生素C、可溶性固形物、总辣椒素含量分别为163 g/kg、2.62 g/kg、11.6%、 65.6 mg/kg。色价20.9,果面光滑、有光泽,丰产性、稳产性好,品质优,可用于加工红色素、制干 椒、制酱等。适宜在甘肃省、内蒙古(五原县)、新疆(和静县、和硕县、博湖县)及生态相似区域露地 栽培。
      Abstract: 'Hangjiao Hongguang' was a new pigment pepper F1 hybrid bred by crossing inbred line 'H56-3-5-2-4-H-H' as female parent and 'G23-2-5-3-1-H-H' as male parent, which was comprehensively applied the technologies of space mutation, self-crossing, field nursery selection, heterosis utilization and SRAP molecular biology. It showed mid-early maturity with growth period of 96 days from planting to red ripe fruit harvest, growth habit of semi-erect, strong growth potential, 23-27 fruits per plant, dark green mature fruit, dark-red mature fruit, 17.8-19.7 cm of longitudinal diameter and 2.34-2.81 cm of transverse diameter, 0.28-0.33 cm of pulp thickness, 28.3-32.0 g per fruit, 163 g/kg of dry matter, 2.62 g/kg of vitamin C, 11.6% of soluble solids and 65.6 mg/kg of total capsaicin. Its pigment value was 20.9 and its fruit surface was smooth and shiny. 'Hangjiao Hongguang' could be used for processing red pigment, drying, paste making and so on, which had excellent quality, prolificacy and stability. It was suitable for open field cultivation in Gansu, Inner Mongolia (Wuyuan county), Xinjiang (Hejing county, Heshuo county, Bohu county ) and ecological similar areas.
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