Effect of Rhodobacter sphaeroides on Growth and Disease Resistance of Strawberry
中文关键词:  类球红细菌  草莓  促生  白粉病
英文关键词:Keywords: Rhodobacter sphaeroides  strawberry  growth promotion  powdery mildew
王 胤1 ,胡毓媛2 ,李云龙1 ,胡 彬1 ,孙 海1 ,郑建秋1 ,曹金娟1 ,张爱环2 1.北京市植物保护站北京 1000292.北京农学院生物与资源环境学院北京 102206 
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      为探究类球红细菌对草莓的抗病、促生作用效果,分别在草莓苗期、初花期、果实膨大期施用 助友宝SOD微生物菌剂100倍液,研究其对草莓株高等生长指标、果实产量的影响及对草莓白粉病的防治 效果。结果表明:助友宝SOD微生物菌剂可使株高提高2.3%,茎粗提高9%,展开叶片数提高20.7%,开 花数量增加19%,草莓单果质量增加18.2%,说明其对草莓有促生作用,且能促进草莓开花;通过田间调 查发现,助友宝SOD微生物菌剂对草莓白粉病有较好的防治效果,初期防效达45%。
      Abstract: In order to explore the effects of Rhodobacter sphaeroides on disease resistance and growth promotion of strawberry, 100 times of Zhuyoubao SOD microbial agent was used to study its effects on the growth index of strawberry plant, yield of fruit and the control effect of strawberry powdery mildew in the seedling stage, early flowering stage and the fruit expansion stage. The results showed that Zhuyoubao SOD microbial agent could increase the plant height by 2.3%, the stem diameter by 9%, the number of unfolded leaves by 20.7%, the number of flowering by 19%, and the single fruit weight of strawberry by 18.2%, which indicated that it could promote flowering of strawberry. Results of field investigation showed that Zhuyoubao SOD microbial agent could control powdery mildew of strawberry with a control effect of 45% at initial stage.
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