Comparative Experiment on Cultivars of Auricularia auricula for Cultivation under Forest in Miyun District
中文关键词:  西兰花  冷棚  春季  轻简化  栽 培
英文关键词:Keywords: Auricularia auricular  cultivar  cultivation under forest  yield
李 萍 盖州市农业服务中心辽宁 盖州 115200 
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      为解决辽西地区西兰花春季冷棚生产 仍然采用传统的栽培方式,存在栽培技术落后、 用工较多、生产成本较高等问题,提出了轻简化 栽培技术,从品种选择、播种育苗、起垄定植、 肥水管理等关键技术实现轻简化,使西兰花产量 达到32.25 t/hm2 ,较传统栽培提高了22.86%,节省 劳动力30%以上,减少农药使用量15%左右,节约 成本25%以上,显著提高了经济效益和社会效益。
      Abstract: In order to select the Auricularia auricula cultivars suitable for cultivation under forest in Miyun district, six cultivars of Auricularia auricula including 'Dashanhei' 'Hei 29' 'Heiwei 15' 'Heiwei Danpian' 'Heishan' and 'Qingpi No.1' were tested. The growth, thickness, resistance, yield and agronomic traits of Auricularia auricula were comprehensively analyzed. The results showed that 'Hei 29' had high yield, but its fruiting bodies were large and flaky and occasionally clumpy, and commodity were slightly worse. The yield of 'Dashanhei' was slightly lower than that of 'Hei 29', but the fruiting bodies were clustered and bowl-shaped, with black ribs on the back. The mycelia had strong stress resistance and were less affected by temperature changes. The ears were moderate in size and thickness, and output of ear was high and uniform, the yield of fresh ear and dry ear were higher than that of other cultivars at the same cultivation condition. It was concluded that 'Hei 29' and 'Dashanhei' had outstanding comprehensive performance, which were suitable for cultivation under forest in Miyun district and had good promotion values.
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