一年五茬,莴笋—辣椒—上海青—黄瓜— 川松高效栽培技术
Analysis on the Fluctuation Characteristics of Export Price of Auricularia auricula in China
中文关键词:  高效  栽培  周年生产
英文关键词:Keywords: Auricularia auricula  export price  fluctuation of price  Census X-12 seasonal adjustment method  H-P filtering method
熊怡文 宜黄县农业农村局江西 抚顺 344400 
摘要点击次数: 229
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      为了减轻外来蔬菜对宜黄县产业带来 的冲击,避免农户丰产不丰收,提升合作社的经 济效益,在充分了解当地居民消费习惯的基础 上,合理安排品种和茬口、充分利用基地现有设 施设备、综合运用蔬菜种植新技术,探索形成了 “莴笋—辣椒—上海青—黄瓜—川松”高效栽培 模式,强调将育苗区与种植区严格分开管理、合 理安排茬口、充分利用栽培设施、严格实行轮作 换茬和转变技术模式等技术要点。1年可种植5茬 蔬菜(比通常增加了1~2茬),从而达到“三 超”高产收益(产量超10 t、产值超4万元、纯收 入超2万元),为当地大棚蔬菜产业发展提供了新 的高效栽培模式。
      Abstract: Taking the monthly average price of Chinese Auricularia auricula exported to the world from January 2017 to July 2021 as the research object, the export price fluctuation of Auricularia auricula was divided into four types, such as seasonal characteristics, irregular characteristics, cyclic characteristics and trend characteristics by using census-x12 seasonal adjustment method and H-P filtering method. The study found that the export price of Auricularia auricula showed a downward trend, with significant seasonal characteristics, no obvious cycle and irregular characteristics with no slowing trend. In order to further stabilize the fluctuation of the export price of Auricularia auricula, some practical suggestions were put forward, such as reducing the production cost while improving the quality and increasing the income of Auricularia auricula, continuously improving the propagation and production promotion technology of Auricularia auricula, making overall use of the international market and meeting the export demand of Auricularia auricula in China and so on.
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