Differences of Pathogenicity and Screening of Control Reagents of Different Fusarium oxysporum to Lotus Root
中文关键词:  设施甜瓜  连作障碍  集成技术
英文关键词:Keywords: lotus root  rot disease  Fusarium oxysporum  chemical prevention and control  biological prevention and control  pathogenicity
杜金伟,姜 伟* ,朱春侠,薛国萍,白红梅 内蒙古农牧业科学院蔬菜研究所内蒙古 呼和浩特 010031 
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      针对内蒙古地区设施甜瓜土壤连作障 碍严重、病虫害发生严重、植株死亡率高、产量 降低、品质下降等问题,本着“生态优先,绿色 发展”的发展战略,以改善土壤环境、缓解设施 土壤连作障碍发生为目的,集成设施甜瓜抗连作 障碍技术:设施内空气和土壤消毒处理技术;设 施土壤深耕技术;嫁接育苗技术;秸秆生物反应 堆改良设施土壤技术;设施土壤科学施肥管理 技术;设施生产绿色防控技术;作物填闲改良技 术;伴生栽培改良技术。该项技术的经济、社会 和生态效益尤为显著,促进了内蒙古地区设施甜 瓜土壤的可持续利用,提升了设施甜瓜的整体种 植水平,充分发挥了设施农业整体种植效益,对 于促进农业提质增效具有重要的意义。
      Abstract: In order to verify the differences of pathogenicity of Fusarium oxysporum, which isolated from diseased plants, the experiments were used to determine the incidence of lotus roots by inoculation of mycelium blocks. Then three kinds of chemical agents and two kinds of biocontrol agents were chosen for indoor plate antibacterial experiments. The results showed that the Fusarium commune isolated from the diseased part of the lotus root had the strongest pathogenicity for lotus root and lotus leaves, reaching 100.0% and 83.3%, respectively.F. oxysporum isolated from diseased melon could also cause the disease of lotus roots and lotus leaves, but the incidence rate was only 66.7% and 33.3%, respectively. Among the chemical agents, sulph-ketone sanmate had the best control effect with a concentration of 1.0 mg/L, the inhibition rate could reach 100.0%, the inhibition rates of trichoderma harzianum (3.0 g/L) and bacillus subtilis (3.0 g/L) in the biocontrol agent against Fusarium commune could reach 78.8% and 65.0%. The next step could be carried out to verify its control effect in the field.
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