High Quality and High Yield Fertilization Technology for Open-field Cauliflower
中文关键词:  花椰菜  栽培  合理施肥  效益
英文关键词:Keywords: cauliflower  cultivation  rational fertilization  benefit
孔令波 朝阳市喀左县农业技术推广站辽宁 喀左 122300 
摘要点击次数: 209
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      花椰菜是辽西地区主要蔬菜之一,露地栽培面积较大,但农民在栽培管理上尤其在施肥管理 上还存在一些不合理现象。针对施肥问题,从育苗、整地、栽植、生长期等不同方面阐述了合理的施 肥方法。即根据土壤养分状况、花椰菜需肥规律,提出不同生长时期的施肥方法,包括培育壮苗肥、 施足基肥、少施栽苗肥、不同生长期追肥及叶面喷肥等。通过合理施肥,每667 m2 花椰菜产量可增加 686.8 kg,产值增加1 098.88元,纯收益提高988.88元,且达到用地与养地相结合、均衡土壤养分、避 免单一应用化肥和过量施用氮肥的目的,可解决农民施肥的盲目性和随意性,减少环境污染,提高肥料 利用率,并实现控肥增效。
      Abstract: Cauliflower is one of the main vegetables in western Liaoning province, which has a large open field cultivation area, but there are some unreasonable phenomena in cultivation management, especially in fertilization management. In view of the problem of fertilization, the reasonable fertilization method was expounded from different aspects, such as seedling raising, land preparation, planting and growth period. According to the condition of soil nutrient and the law of fertilizer requirement of cauliflower, the fertilization methods at different growth stages were put forward, including appropriate seedling cultivating fertilizer, enough base fertilizer, less transplanting fertilizer, topdressing fertilizer at different growth stages, foliar spraying fertilizer and so on. Through reasonable fertilization, yield of cauliflower could increase 686.8 kg per 667 m2 , output value of 1 098.88 yuan per 667 m2 , the net income of 988.88 yuan per 667 m2 , and achieving the purpose of combining land use and land maintenance together, balancing soil nutrients, avoiding single application of chemical fertilizer and excessing application of nitrogen fertilizer, solving the farmers' blindness and randomness of fertilization, reducing environmental pollution, improving the utilization rate of fertilizer and realizing fertilizer control and efficiency increase.
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