Cultivation Technologies with Tree Type of Lagenaria sciceraria
中文关键词:  蒲瓜  温室  树式栽培  蔬菜树
英文关键词:Keywords: Lagenaria sciceraria  greenhouse  tree sype cultivation  vegetable tree
苏 华 北京中农富通园艺有限公司北京 100011 
摘要点击次数: 382
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      Abstract: In order to meet people's unique demand for sightseeing agriculture all year round and improve the display effect of tree cultivation of vegetables in greenhouse under high temperature environment, the tree type cultivation of Lagenaria sciceraria in multi span greenhouse was studied, and the relevant key points of cultivation were introduced from the aspects of cultivar selection, seedling raising, designing of molding frame, environmental control, plant adjustment and so on. Taking full advantage of the strong branching ability of the stem, and the characteristics of thermophilic and heat-resistant, the ideal results of high fruit setting rate, long viewing period and good fruit quality were obtained under high temperature conditions, which indicated that Lagenaria sciceraria was the preferred vegetable cultivar for tree type cultivation in sightseeing greenhouse in high temperature season.
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