The Effect of Chitosan on the Preservation of Volvariella volvacea
中文关键词:  草菇  壳聚糖  浓度  保鲜
英文关键词:Keywords: Volvariella volvacea  chitosan  concentration  preservation
张松阳1,赵安平2,王福东1,张晓玲2,晋彭辉1,郑丽静1 1.北京市农业技术推广站北京 1000292.北京市农业农村局信息中心北京 100029 
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      为避免草菇采后易发生的腐烂、液化等现象,研究了涂膜保鲜技术对保持草菇商品价值和食用价值的效果。采用0.5%、1.0%、1.5%的壳聚糖对采后草菇分别进行0.5、1.0、1.5 min浸渍涂膜处理后,置于(15±1)℃无光照的恒温贮藏库内进行贮藏,比较不同壳聚糖浸渍处理对草菇失重率、感官品质、硬度、维生素C含量等指标的影响。结果表明:1.0%壳聚糖浸渍涂膜0.5 min处理的草菇在贮藏2 d后的可溶性固形物和VC损失率分别38%、29%,均低于其他处理;贮藏3 d后草菇失重率最低,硬度下降较为缓慢,感官分值及保鲜度均优于其他处理,软腐率、褐变率、黄变率分别为46%、54%、3%,均低于其他处理组。1.0%壳聚糖浸渍涂膜0.5 min处理可以较好保持草菇的营养品质,提高草菇贮藏期的品质。
      Abstract: In order to avoid the decomposition and liquefaction of Volvariella volvacea after harvest, the effect of coating preservation technology on keeping the commodity value and edible value of Volvariella volvacea was studied. 0.5%, 1.0% and 1.5% chitosans were used to coat film with Volvariella volvacea for 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 min, respectively, and then which were stored in a constant temperature storehouse at (15±1) ℃ without light. The effects of different chitosan impregnation treatments on weight loss rate, sensory quality, hardness, vitamin C content and other indexes of Volvariella volvacea were compared. The results showed that the loss rates of soluble solids and VC of Volvariella volvacea were 38% and 29%, respectively, with treated by 1.0% chitosan dipping coating for 0.5 min after two days of storage, all were lower than other treatments, and after three days of storage, the weight loss rate of Volvariella volvacea was the lowest, the hardness decreased slowly, the sensory score and freshness degree were better than other treatments, the soft rot rate, browning rate and yellowing rate were 46%, 54% and 3%, respectively, which were lower than other treatments. Coating film for 0.5 min by 1.0% chitosan could maintain the nutritional quality and improve the quality during storage of Volvariella volvacea.
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