Effect of Different Proportions of Gas on Strawberry Storage and Preservation
中文关键词:  草莓  气调  贮藏保鲜
英文关键词:Keywords: strawberry  air conditioning  storage and preservation
晋彭辉,王福东,郑丽静,张松阳 北京市农业技术推广站北京 100029 
摘要点击次数: 346
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      为延长草莓贮藏期,开展了草莓气调贮藏保鲜试验。采用3组气体组分(5%±1% O2,5%±1%CO2;5%±1% O2,10%±1% CO2和5%±1% O2,15%±1% CO2)进行气调试验,同时设箱内空气气体组分和箱外空气环境为对照,在经过18 d贮藏后对草莓进行感官评价,并测定其失重率、硬度、可溶性固形物含量、pH值、腐烂指数等指标。结果表明:适宜比例气体组分气调包装可有效地延缓感官评价分值的降低、硬度的下降以及pH值的降低,在(2.5±1)℃条件下贮藏草莓以5% O2+10% CO2气体组分最为适宜。
      Abstract: In order to prolong the storage period of strawberry, the experiment of strawberry storaged by controlled atmosphere was carried out. Three groups of gas components (5%±1% O2, 5%±1% CO2; 5%±1% O2, 10%±1% CO2 and 5%±1% O2, 15%±1% CO2) were used to carry out the air conditioning test of strawberry. At the same time, the air components in the box and the air environment outside the box were set as the control. The sensory evaluation of strawberry was carried out, and its weight loss rate, hardness, soluble solids content, pH value, decay index and other indicators were measured after 18 days storage. The results showed that the appropriate proportion of gas components in modified atmosphere packaging could effectively delay the decrease of sensory evaluation, hardness and pH value. 5% O2 and 10% CO2 were the most suitable gas components for strawberry storage at (2.5±1) ℃.
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