Selection of Soilless Culture Medium for Tomato in Gobi Greenhouse of Hexi Corridor
中文关键词:  戈壁温室  番茄  无土栽培  基质筛选
英文关键词:Keywords: gobi greenhouse  tomato  soilless cultivation  substrate screening
贾 靓,陈修斌*,李翊华,许耀照 河西学院农业与生态工程学院甘肃 张掖 734000 
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      Abstract: In tomato soilless cultivation in gobi greenhouses of Hexi corridor, tomato cultivar 'Jinfulai' was used as the test material to study the effects of six different kinds of substrates on tomato growth. The results showed that under the treatment IV (sand: corn straw: edible fungus waste: commercial substrate: chicken manure = 4: 5: 5: 6: 3), tomato photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, intercellular CO2 and stomatal conductance were the largest, and the plant maintained strong growth potential and fruiting ability. The tomato plant height, stem diameter, fruit number per plant, yield per plant and yield per 667 m2 were significantly higher than those of other treatments, which were 178.60 cm, 1.13 cm, 16.36, 3.12 kg and 7 531.68 kg, respectively. The highest content of soluble sugar, titratable acid, soluble solids, VC and lycopene of the fruit under this treatment were 4.15%, 0.58%, 7.30%, 302.2 mg/kg and 152.4 mg/kg, which were better than other treatments. Therefore, it was suggested to select the above substrate treatment in gobi greenhouse of Hexi corridor.
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