Effects of Multi-functional Ecological Fertilizer on Tomato Growth and Economic Benefit
中文关键词:  多功能生态肥  番茄  品质  经济效益
英文关键词:Keywords: multi-functional ecological fertilizer  tomato  quality  economic benefit
王丽娜 敦煌市肃州镇人民政府农业综合服务中心甘肃 敦煌 736200 
摘要点击次数: 395
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      Abstract: In order to solve the problem of poor quality, low and instable yield of vegetables in Dunhuang city, and provide technical support for the safe production of greenhouse vegetables, the effects of multi-functional ecological fertilizer on tomato growth and benefit were studied. The results showed that the primary and secondary effect (R ) of the multi-functional ecological fertilizer was: B (tomato special fertilizer, R=26.92) > A (organic ecological fertilizer, R=24.29) > C (soil disinfectant, R=12.55). The best combination was m (organic ecological fertilizer) : m (tomato fertilizer) : m (soil disinfectant) = 0.818 6 : 0.177 4 : 0.004 0. The incidence of tomato early blight and titratable acid content decreased by 66.67% and 28.00% compared with conventional fertilizer. Plant height, growth rate, stem diameter, fresh weight and dry weight of aboveground increased by 4.45%, 3.81%, 7.61%, 8.40% and 6.67%, respectively. Single fruit weight, fruit weight per plant, yield, soluble sugar and VC content increased by 6.23%, 9.26%, 8.82%, 27.46% and 23.65%, respectively. Fertilization profit and fertilizer investment efficiency increased by 1.84×104 yuan/hm2 and 1.23 yuan/yuan, respectively. The application of multi-functional ecological fertilizer on greenhouse soil in Suzhou town of Dunhuang improved the quality and economic benefit of tomatoes.
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