Preliminary Pharmacodynamic Study on the Hypoglycemic Effect of Chinese Cabbage Freeze-Dried Powder
中文关键词:  白菜冻干粉  糖尿病  小鼠  降血糖
英文关键词:Keywords: Chinese cabbage freeze-dried powder  diabetes mellitus  mouse  blood sugar reduction
刘钰莹1,王 宏1,段玉桦1,汤凌燕1,陈晓青1,黄 文2,凌智群1* 1.江汉大学医学院湖北 武汉 4300562.华中农业大学食品科学技术学院湖北 武汉 430070 
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      为探讨白菜冻干粉(Chinese Cabbage Freeze-Dried Powder,CCFDP)对高糖高脂饲料饲养小鼠餐后血糖的影响,对血糖筛选合格小鼠分别进行6组处理:正常对照组、高糖高脂饲料饲养造模对照组、造模+同时口服灌胃CCFDP低剂量组、造模+同时口服灌胃CCFDP高剂量组、造模+造模15 d后再同时口服灌胃CCFDP低剂量组、造模+造模15 d后再同时口服灌胃CCFDP高剂量组,45 d后检测小鼠餐后血糖值、血清中总胆固醇(T-CHO)、甘油三酯(TG)、高密脂蛋白(HDL-C)、低密脂蛋白(LDL-C)等指标。结果表明:与模型对照组比较,150 mg/(kg·d)CCFDP能有效降低高糖高脂饲料饲养小鼠的餐后血糖值以及血清TG和LDL-C。CCFDP能显著降低高糖高脂饲料饲养小鼠的餐后血糖,为糖尿病早期防治提供参考。
      Abstract: To investigate the hypoglycemic effect of Chinese Cabbage Freeze-Dried Powder (CCFDP) on diabetic mice, six groups of qualified mice after screening blood glucose were treated with control group, model rice fed with high-sugar and high-fat diet for 45 days, model rice + the oral administration of a high dose of CCFDP for 45 days at the same time, model rice + the oral administration of a low dose of CCFDP for 45 days at the same time, model rice + the oral administration of a high dose of CCFDP for 30 days after firstly feeding with high-sugar and high-fat diet for 15 days, model rice + the oral administration of a low dose of CCFDP for 30 days after firstly feeding with high-sugar and high-fat diet for 15 days, respectively. And then the serum bio-marker were tested, including the serum level of glucose, T-CHO, TG, HDL-C, LDL-C. The results showed that compared with that of model mice, the serum level of postprandial blood glucose and TG, LDL-C in the mice fed with 150 mg/(kg·d) CCFDP were significantly lower. The CCFDP could effectively prevent the production of diabetes in mice fed with high-sugar and high-fat diet, and had good potential application value for the prevention and treatme nt of diabetes.
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