Effects of Different Application Method of Phosphorus Fertilizer on the Protected Sweet Pepper
中文关键词:  施肥方式  磷肥  保护地  甜椒  产量
英文关键词:Keywords: fertilizer application method  phosphorus fertilizer  protected field  sweet pepper  yield
杨海霞,张卫东,张雪姣,沈 兰,李 辉 北京市昌平区土肥站北京 102200 
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      为了探索北京设施菜田是否需要追施磷肥,以保护地甜椒为试验材料,研究了不同磷肥施用方式对甜椒产量、经济效益及土壤含磷量的影响。结果表明:在土壤有效磷含量238.32 mg/kg情况下,与常规相比,不施有机肥+追施磷肥、施用有机肥+不追施磷肥、施用有机肥+追施磷肥处理产量分别提高2.0%、4.0%、28.7%,其中不施有机肥+追施磷肥处理纯收入最高,较CK提高1.8%。0~20 cm、20~40 cm土壤有效磷含量平均值以施用有机肥+追施磷肥处理最低,不施有机肥+追施磷肥处理存在磷富集风险。综合分析,建议选用不施有机肥+追施磷肥的方式来进行保护地甜椒的培育,生产中每667 m2推荐追肥量为纯N 23 kg、P2O5 5 kg、K2O 15 kg。
      Abstract: In order to explore whether topdressing phosphorus fertilizer was needed in greenhouse vegetable fields in Beijing, the effect of different phosphorus fertilizer application methods on yield, economic benefit and soil phosphorus content of sweet pepper were studied. The results showed that under the condition of soil available phosphorus content 238.32 mg/kg, the yield of sweet pepper treated with no organic fertilizer + topdressing phosphate, organic fertilizer + no topdressing phosphate and organic fertilizer + topdressing phosphate increased by 2.0%, 4.0% and 28.7% compared with control, respectively. And the net income of no organic fertilizer + topdressing phosphate was the highest, which increased by 1.8% than CK. The average value of available phosphorus content in 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm soil was the lowest under the treatment of organic fertilizer + topdressing phosphorus fertilizer, while the risk of phosphorus enrichment existed in the treatment of no organic fertilizer + topdressing phosphorus fertilizer. Therefore, no organic fertilizer + topdressing phosphorus fertilizer was recommended to cultivate sweet pepper in protected field. The recommended amount of topdressing per 667 m2 was 23 kg of pure N, 5 kg of P2O5 and 15 kg of K2O.
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