Effects of Biochar on Soil Properties and Growth of Facility Tomatoes
中文关键词:  生物炭  番茄  土壤性状  品质
英文关键词:Keywords: biochar  tomato  soil property  quality
吴 珏1,李建勇2,郭欣欣1 1.上海市奉贤区蔬菜技术推广站上海 2014992.上海市农业技术推广服务中心上海 201103 
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      为深入了解生物炭对设施菜田土壤质量保育效果以及对蔬菜生长的影响,以番茄为供试材料,采用田间试验定量分析方法,在设施菜田中施入不同用量的生物炭(1 000、2 000、3 000、4 000、5 000 kg/hm2),研究生物炭对菜田土壤理化性状及番茄生长、产量、品质的影响。结果表明:适量增施生物炭,番茄产量、总糖含量有所增加,可溶性酸含量显著减少。同时,施用生物炭可降低土壤容重4.7%~11.8%,土壤中有机质含量有一定程度提升。生物炭用量2 000 kg/hm2时增产最明显,较对照可增产10.52%,生物炭用量4 000 kg/hm2时土壤保育效果与番茄品质提升最显著。
      Abstract: In order to understand the effect of biochar on the growth of vegetable and soil conservation, the tomato was used as test material, and a field experiment was conducted to study the effects of biochar with different treatments (1 000, 2 000, 3 000, 4 000, 5 000 kg/hm2 ) on tomato growth, yield, quality and soil properties. The results showed that increasing application of biochar could increase tomato yield and total sugar content, reduce soluble acid content. At the same time, the application of biochar could reduce the soil bulk density 4.7%-11.8%, and the soil organic matter content was improved. The soil quality conservation effect was good. The yield of tomato with biochar dosage of 2 000 kg/hm2 was the best, which was 10.52% higher than the control. Treatment with biochar dosage of 4 000 kg/hm2 was the best in improving the soil and tomato quality.
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