Effects of Different Concentrations of Liquid Fertilizer on the Growth and Quality of Lettuce
中文关键词:  生菜  液体肥  无土栽培  生长  品质
英文关键词:Keywords: lettuce  liquid fertilizer  soilless cultivation  growth  quality
刘浩林,何锐,高美芳,汪瑞,孙光闻* 华南农业大学园艺学院广东 广州 510642 
摘要点击次数: 447
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      Abstract: Effects of different concentrations of liquid fertilizer on the growth and quality of lettuce were studied with the Italian lettuce as material and the same volume of peat, coconut hust and pearlite as cultivation substrate. The results showed that compared with complete-nutrient solution (CK), the liquid fertilizers which contained 300 (T1), 600 (T2), 900 (T3) dilution times could promote the growth of lettuce. The liquid fertilizers with 600 and 900 dilution times could increase aboveground fresh weight, aboveground dry weight, maximum leaf width, chlorophyll content and total soluble sugar content of lettuce significantly and there was no significant difference between 600 and 900 dilution times treatments for the above indexes. It was suggested to choose 600~900 dilution times liquid fertilizer as the substitution of substrate cultivation for lettuce production.
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