Effects of Fertilization Treatments on the Agronomic Characteristics and Yield of Pepper in Early Spring Greenhouse
中文关键词:  微生物菌肥  设施辣椒  农艺性状  产量
英文关键词:Keywords: microbial bacterial fertilizer  greenhouse pepper  agronomic characteristic  yield
甘付华,张彩颖,刘煜祥,周成松,王菁 吐鲁番市农业技术推广中心新疆 吐鲁番 838000 
摘要点击次数: 433
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      Abstract: In order to further explore the effective ways of reducing consumption and increasing efficiency of fertilizer, the effects of three fertilization treatments on agronomic characteristics and yield of pepper 'Xinnongjiao No.2' in early spring greenhouse in Turpan region were studied. The results showed that compared with conventional fertilization method, the application of compound microbial bacterial fertilizer as base fertilizer, dilution irrigation of root and foliar spraying of compound microbial agent at flowering and fruit setting stages could effectively improve plant height, fruit length, fruit width and single fruit weight of 'Xinnongjiao No.2'. The method achieved the goal of reducing consumption and increasing efficiency of fertilizer and the yield was 4 460.1 kg per 667 m2, which was 200.9 kg higher than that of conventional method, while the fertilizer amount decreased 210 kg comparing with conventional method.
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