Comparison Test of Different Strains and Shading Treatments of the Cultivation of Morchella spp. in the Plastic Greenhouse
中文关键词:  羊肚菌  菌株  对比  大棚  遮阴  栽培
英文关键词:Keywords: Morchella spp.  Strain  Comparison  Plastic greenhouse  Shading  Cultivation
刘福阳1,王爱仙1,王怡暄1,邓文明1,颜振兰2,巫仁高1* 1.南平市农业科学研究所福建 南平 3542002.南平市农业局福建 南平 353000 
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      露地栽培羊肚菌受自然气候影响极大,为了探索适宜室内栽培的菌株与光照条件,在设施大棚内利用周转筐栽培羊肚菌,研究六妹羊肚菌、梯棱羊肚菌、羊肚菌分离1号、羊肚菌分离2号的出菇情况以及不同遮阴处理对六妹羊肚菌出菇的影响。试验结果表明:六妹羊肚菌的产量最高,每筐子实体朵数为13.4朵,每筐鲜菇质量为150.1 g,鲜菇商品性状较好,菌盖呈塔尖顶形,子实体呈灰黑色、大小适中,单朵鲜质量为11.2 g,菇柄最短,菌盖最长,菌盖最宽位置位于菌盖与菇柄连接处;梯棱羊肚菌的综合表现次于六妹羊肚菌,但优于羊肚菌分离1号和羊肚菌分离2号;盖1层遮阳网的六妹羊肚菌处理可以正常出菇,而不盖遮阳网和盖2层遮阳网的处理均无法正常出菇;因此,利用设施大棚栽培羊肚菌时,可以选择栽培六妹羊肚菌,在棚内加盖1层遮阳网,以保证出菇、提高产量。
      Abstract: The field cultivation of Morchella spp. was greatly affected by the natural climate. In order to explore the suitable strains and light conditions for the indoor cultivation, Morchella spp. was cultivated by transport frames in the plastic greenhouse. The fruiting situation of Morchella sextelata, Morchella importuna, isolate strains No.1 and No.2 and the effects of different shading treatments on Morchella sextelata were studied. The results showed that the yield of Morchella sextelata was the highest, whose number and weight of fresh fruitbodies in each frame were 13.4 and 150.1 g respectively. Its merchandise properties of fresh fruitbodies were better, which showed concretely as follows: the shape of pileus looked like a spire, the fruitbody was dark gray and was moderate in size, the weight of each fresh fruitbody was 11.2 g, the length of stalk was shortest while the length of pileus was longest, the widest part of pileus was located in the joint of pileus and stalk. The comprehensive performances of Morchella importuna were inferior to Morchella sextelata but better than isolate strains No.1 and No.2. Morchella sextelata covered by 1 layer of shading net could normally fruit, while the treatments of no shading net and covering 2 layers of shading nets could not fruit normally. Therefore, the cultivation of Morchella spp. in the plastic greenhouse could choose Morchella sextelata and cover 1 layer of shading net to ensure the fruiting and yield.
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