Effects of Nitrogen Nutrition on Yield Characteristics and Quality of Potato
中文关键词:  马铃薯  氮素  产量  薯块品质
英文关键词:Key words: Potato  Nitrogen  Yield  Tuber quality
刘云,吴金全,严琦,梁志奇,石铭福,秦舒浩* 甘肃农业大学园艺学院甘肃 兰州 730070 
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      Abstract: The aim of the experiment was to optimize the suitable nitrogen application rate and improve the yield and quality of potato. A pot experiment was used to study the effects of nitrogen on the dry matter accumulation, root/shoot ratio, yield and tuber qualities of potato. The results showed that the dry matter accumulation, root/shoot ratio at different stages and yield per plant were highest when 190 kg/hm2 nitrogen was applied. The regression curve was observed between potato yield and quantity of nitrogen fertilizer in the experiment, and individual yield of potato was highest (388.22 g) when 206.39 kg/hm2 nitrogen was applied. The optimal amount of nitrogen applied and tuber yield calculated according to this curve were very close to the actual measurement value. In addition, there were the highest tuber starch and VC content under the nitrogen fertilizer applied of 190 kg/hm2; tuber protein content was increased with the increasing of amount of nitrogen applied. However, organic acid content of tuber was first increased and then decreased with the increasing of nitrogen, and the value of organic acid was highest under the nitrogen applied amount of 350 kg/hm2. Under the condition of the experiment, the results for comprehensive analysis of yield formationcharacteristics and the quality index considered that the suitable amount of nitrogen applied was 190~206.39 kg/hm2.
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