Effects of Paddy-upland Rotation on the Characteristics of Soils and Crop Yields
中文关键词:  轮作  土壤  pH  电导率  养分  产量
英文关键词:Key words: Rotation  Soil  pH  Electric conductivity  Nutrients  Yields
王克磊,周友和,黄宗安,朱隆静*,徐坚 温州市农业科学研究院温州市设施蔬菜工程技术中心浙江 温州 325014 
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      Abstract: The roles of enhancing crop yields and improving the soil characteristics in rice-vegetable rotationsystem were investigated. The nutrients of soils, pH value, electric conductivity of soils and crops (tomato) yieldswere characterized in year-along rice paddies, greenhouse tomato fields and perennial rice-crop rotation fieldsin the area of South Zhejiang. As compared with successive tomato cultivation soils, the results showed that pHvalue of soil in rice-tomato rotation fields increased by 0.9, and the electric conductivity of soil decreased by66.2%, and water soluble salts diminished by 64.7%. The yield of tomato was improved by 8.3 % per 667 m2 andthe profit was increased by 14.2%. To summarize, rice-tomato rotation system can decrease the content of totalsalts content, alleviate soil acidification and improve the tomato yields.
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