Effects of Different Compound Substrate onSeedling Growth of Cucumber
中文关键词:  黄瓜  基质  长势  光合速率
英文关键词:Cucumber  Substrate  Growth  Photosynthetic rate
魏代国 沂南县蔬菜发展局山东 沂南 276300 
摘要点击次数: 822
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      In order to improve the utilization of agricultural waste and reduce the environment pollution,This expriment took the cucumber species Jinlv No. 3 as material, and studied the effects of different ratios of thecow dung, peanut shell, peat, vermiculite and perlite on the growth and photosynthesis of cucumber seedlings. Theresults showed that the effect of different substrate ratios on the growth of cucumber was significant, the treatmentof C (peanut shell︰vermiculite︰Perlite=7︰3︰3, V︰V︰V) was the best after 40 days, the leaves of cucumberseedlings under C treatment were big, fleshy and dark green, and the plant height, stem diameter, aboveground andunderground fresh weight reached the maximum value, were 17.21 cm, 0.54 mm, 6.82 g and 2.26 g respectively,by 2.1 times, 1.5 times, 2.7 times and 1.1 times to control treatment respectively. The photosynthetic rate of Ctreatment was 13.95 μmol/(m2?s), which was slightly lower than that of A treatment, but no significant difference,and it was significantly higher than other treatments. Comprehensive each index, it was recommended that Ctreatment could be used in cucumber seedling by low cost and convenient source.
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