The Absorption and Accumulation Ability of Three Kinds ofVegetables on Tetracycline in solution
中文关键词:  四环素  吸收  累积  迁移  蔬菜  高效液相色谱法(HPLC)
英文关键词:Tetracycline  Absorption  Accumulation  Migration  Vegetables  High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
崔诗瑶,李婧,曹海艳,范力博,苏玉红* 新疆大学化学化工学院新疆 乌鲁木齐 830046 
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      To understand the migration processes and rules of antibiotics in the soil-plant system further,measuring the change of tetracycline (TC) by three kinds of vegetable (pakchoi, malabar spinach andChinese cabbage) which cultivated with nutrient solution within 24 hours. Calculating the accumulation rateof TC in leaves. Comparing concentration distribution of TC in different parts of vegetable after rhizosphereexposurein in 24 h, and the migration of TC was studied. The results showed that TC in solution couldbe absorbed by vegetable roots and be transported to leaves quickly, high concentration of TC could bedetected after 1 hour root exposure to nutrient solution within TC in three kinds of vegetable leaves, andthe accumulation rates of TC were decreased with time increasing in three kinds of vegetable leaves. Afterroot exposure to nutrient solution with TC for 24 hours, malabar spinach was more efficient in TC uptakeand translocation than pakchoi and Chinese cabbage, the accumulating ability was connected with species.When TC nutrient solution contaminated with TC were prepared with distilled water or rhizosphere solution,the concentration of TC in different parts of pakchoi were: root>leaf after root exposure for 24 hours; while the concentration of TC in leaves was greater than roots to Chinese cabbage and malabar spinach. The rootexudate may affect the migration of TC to plants.
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