Cultivation Technology of Strawberry Relay Cropping Coprinus comatus in Greenhouse
中文关键词:  关键词:草莓  日光温室  鸡腿菇  套种
英文关键词:Keywords: strawberry  greenhouse  Coprinus comatus  relay cropping
康 勇1,齐长虹1,陈家和1,祝 宁1,韩立红1,谷星宇1,贺国强2* (1.北京市昌平区农业技术推广站北京 1022002.北京市农业技术推广站北京 100029) 
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      摘要:为丰富蔬菜品种,充分利用温室空间,增加草莓日光温室复种指数,实现增产增收,通过推广应用草莓套种鸡腿菇栽培技术,每栋标准温室可采收鸡腿菇1 000 kg,较普通草莓日光温室可增收1.5万~2.0万元,折合每667 m2鸡腿菇产量和效益分别为2 000 kg和3万~4万元,同时平均每667 m2草莓总产量和效益分别达到4 000 kg和6万~8万元,日光温室草莓套种鸡腿菇每667 m2总收益可达9万~12万元,经济效益显著。现从茬口安排、品种选择、草莓育苗及定植、鸡腿菇菌棒制作及覆土栽培、套种田间管理、病虫害防治、适时收获等方面介绍了日光温室草莓套种鸡腿菇栽培技术,以供同类地区参考。
      Abstract: In order to enrich vegetable varieties, make full use of greenhouse space, increase the multiple cropping index of strawberry in greenhouse and increase production and income, through promoting and applying the cultivation technology of strawberry relay cropping C. comatus, 1 000 kg of C. comatus could be harvested in each standard greenhouse, which could increase the income by 15 000-20 000 yuan compared with the common strawberry greenhouse, which was equivalent to yield of 2 000 kg per 667 m2 and benefit of 30 000-40 000 yuan per 667 2 of C. comatus, respectively. At the same time, the total yield and benefit of strawberry in greenhouse could reach 4 000 kg per 667 m2 and 60 000-80 000 yuan per 667 m2, respectively, and the total income of strawberry and C. comatus could reach 90 000-120 000 yuan per 667 m2, with remarkable economic benefits. The cultivation technologies of strawberry relay cropping C. comatus in greenhouse were introduced from the aspects of stubble arrangement, variety selection, seedling and planting of strawberry, stick making and soil covering cultivation of C. comatus, field management of relay cropping,diseases and pests control, timely harvest and so on, which could provide reference for similar areas.
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