Breeding of the New Pumpkin Cultivar 'Tsuen Guan No.4' with High Quality and No Vine
中文关键词:  南瓜  新品种  荃冠4号  无蔓  选育
英文关键词:Keywords: Pumpkin  New cultivar  Tsuen Guan No.4  No vine  Breeding
钱奕道,张 领,袁 刚,杨 坤 安徽荃银高科瓜菜种子有限公司安徽 合肥 230038 
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      以P1096B为母本,P1235为父本,杂交育成优质无蔓蜜本类型南瓜新品种荃冠4号,该品种为早熟种,全生育期90 d左右;植株长势稳健,无蔓,呈丛生状;雌花多,易坐果;单果质量3 kg左右;果实长棒形,嫩果浅绿花皮,膨果快;果肉浓黄色、肉质紧细粉甜,水分少,品质优,耐贮运;对日照不敏感,适合我国南、北方种植。
      Anhui Shuanyin High-tech Melon and Vegetable Seed Co., Ltd., Hefei 230038, ChinaAbstract: Taking P1096B as the female parent and P1235 as the male parent, the new high quality pumpkin cultivar Tsuen Guan No.4 was bred by crossing. This cultivar was precocious with a full growth period of 90 d, and the plant grew steadily, which had no vine and clustered. The female flowers were more. The fruit of long rod was easy to set with light green floral skin. The single fruit was about 3 kg. The flesh was yellow, fine and sweet. The cultivar had little water and high quality with good tolerance for storage and transportation, and was insensitive to sunshine. It was suitable for planting in south and north of China.
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