Effects of Different Ratios of Red to Blue Lights on the Growth, Photosynthetic Characteristics and Quality of Butterhead Lettuce
中文关键词:  LED  红蓝光比例  奶油生菜  光合特性  品质
英文关键词:Keywords: LED  Red to blue ratios  Butterhead lettuce  Photosynthetic characteristic  Quality
张珂嘉,邹志荣,杨俊伟,何雅倩,曹晏飞* 西北农林科技大学园艺学院/农业部西北设施园艺工程重点实验室陕西 杨凌 712100 
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      Abstract: The study investigated the effects of red light(R), blue light (B), different ratios of R toB treatments by white light as control (CK) on the growth, photosynthetic characteristics and quality ofbutterhead lettuce. The results showed that different light treatments had different effects on the growth oflettuce. The shoots fresh and dry weight and leaf area were greatest under R treatment, closely followed by R∶B=1∶1 and R∶B=1∶2. Chlorophyll a/b under R∶B=1∶2 treatment was biggest. Under R∶B=2∶1, R∶B=1∶1 and R∶B=1∶2 treatments, the photosynthetic rates of lettuce leaves were increased. R treatmentwas beneficial to the accumulation of sugar in lettuce leaves. R∶B=2∶1, R∶B=1∶1 and R∶B=1∶2treatments could increase the content of soluble protein. The treatment of R∶B=1∶2 was more conduciveto the increasing of VC content. According to the comprehensive analysis of various indicators, the yield andquality of lettuce performed best under R∶B=1∶2 treatment.
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