Effects of Planting Density on Yield and Benefit of Pickled Cowpea ‘Chengjiang No.9’
中文关键词:  泡渍豇豆  成豇9号  种植密度  产量  效益
英文关键词:Key words: Pickled cowpea  Chengjiang No.9  Planting density  Yield  Bene fit
陈玲1,吴传秀2,向娟1,杨建1,罗晓波1,潘绍坤1,郑江蓉1 1.成都市农林科学院四川 成都 6111302.四川省园艺作物技术推广总站四川 成都 610041 
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      为加快泡渍豇豆专用品种推广,实现节本增效栽培,以成豇9号为试验材料,研究3种不同种植密度与生产常规密度对豇豆农艺性状、产量与效益的影响。结果表明:随着密度加大,生长势强的处理叶片随之加大,产量反而降低、病虫害增加、成本加大;处理3(每667 m2种植9000株,1800穴,行穴距170 cm×45 cm)的产量、产值最高;处理1(每667 m2种植9000株,1500穴,行穴距170 cm×50 cm)成本最低,产量较高。综合分析,处理1最适宜成豇9号栽培,节本增效,综合比较效益最优。
      Abstract: In order to speed up the promotion of pickled cowpea and achieve cost-saving and benefitsincreasing cultivation, Chengjiang No.9 was used as experimental material to study the effects of differentplanting densities on agronomic trait, yield and benefit. The results showed that with the increase of density, leaveswith strong growth potential growed bigger, but the yield decreased, pests and diseases increased, and the costincreased. The yield and value of treatment 3 (9 000 plants per 667 m2, 1 800 holes, row and hill spacing 170 cm×45 cm) was the highest; the cost of treatment 1 (9 000 plants per 667 m2, 1 500 holes, row and hill spacing170 cm×50 cm) was the lowest. The comprehensive analysis indicated that the treatment 1 was the most suitabledensity for Chengjiang No.9 cultivation and had low cost, high efficiency and optimal comprehensive benefits.
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